Saturday, January 31, 2009

Defining or memorable moments in my life.....

1>Holding a bumble bee when I was five thinking it was pretty and getting stung...

2> afternoon walks to my sisters bus stop with my grampa Poulin and the visit to Charlies store for our coke and Hershey candy bar while we waited for the bus. A secret we kept from my grandmother who was home cooking dinner.

3>Bloody potatoes a thing my cousin Ronnie and I use to do with our mashed potatoes...mash potatoes and ketchup...we use to see who could get there's the redest...

3>First time I was spanked and realizing the person I trusted to keep me safe could be a person who could cause me the most pain.

4>Christmas eves making my mom wait until I was in bed and asleep before the gifts hit the tree, a tradition we carried on with our kids.

5>Death of my Uncle from Leukemia My cousin who had a fatal fall after coming home from his honeymoon and was put on life support for days before his mom was able to let go. I still remember us kids sitting in the window looking across the way through a window at him lying on a bed hocked to machines. I made a deal with god that week to let me live until I was in my 40's and or have someone watch over me, Im in my 40's I wonder if I should be worrying.. hmmm :/ My grandmother dying a very slow and painful death and......all three happened fairly close in years before I was a teen. Followed by the death of the rest of my grandparents and another uncle and cousin. Death was a theme in my family for a while.

6>my first kiss when I was little and my first real kiss as a teen with the same person Wayne Pike my cusions neighbor. He was just a little romio

7>Getting lost in the blueberry planes with my cousins and their friends all day and having the whole town of Kenn looking for us. We made the front page of the community section.

8>Meeting Sam

9>The birth of my first child...lets just say there was a lot of blood...wasn't a pretty site

10.> Carrying my second child and having to worry she wasn't going to make it full term.

11> The last constration giving birth to Jenn...It was a killer and if I think about it it was just like it was yesterday...

12>The first time your child's feeling are hurt and knowing there is nothing you can do to take the pain away you just have to be there and feel it with them. It's the worst feeling in the world. I'd rather have a root canal.

13> When I was in jr high being in the ocean with my friend and her dad on a very small sail boat in OCTOBER and almost dying....and knowing I could die.

14>Sailing with Kristens mom...also NOT GOOD OCEAN experiences.

15>baking with my grandma and coloring with her something we did right up until her death...she swore it was calming and it is, I still color when Im stressed out.

16>Drivers ed when I did my first drive and put myself and the instructor in a ditch down behind Dairy Queen in Saco....and Laughing...not a good thing to do....

17>Salmon Falls where I spent the tail end of 8th grade and high school...Lots of good and memorable moments in those years.

18> Holding the hand of someone special when the passed away. Being there with them...

19>Being the only girl to make it up to the top of Mt.Washington during a climb back in high school. One of my favorite trips of many that we took.

20> The first time on ski's.

21> Florida and Canada trip I took with Kris and her mom back in high school

22. The first time on a plane. I love to fly.

23> Night drives with my youngest daughter. We've had some of the most interesting chats riding around in circles in OOB.

24> Having the neighborhood kids running in and out of our house. Letting them know they mattered.

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