Tuesday, January 13, 2009

ok back to why I started this blog

So I started this blog to talk about my journey to a healthy me....So far I've posted a bunch of photos and vented about stuff that was bugging me.....Well it's all part of it. Taking pictures makes me happy and venting gets rid of the negative stuff inside.

The weight is coming off hard this time around, guess it's the downfall of getting older. A lot of my friends my age crap about getting older, their gray hair, wrinkles, love handles ect ect.....

I do color my hair but just to blend in the gray until it all comes in, I cant wait to go white like my dad and my grandma... I loved grams hair and I love dads hair. It's this in between crap I don't like. Wrinkles....well I've earned every single one of them and I'm getting the same laugh line my grams had. I actually love that one. Love handles well it's more like oh what are those bikes with the big massive handles on them....Those I can do without but they are SLOWLYYYYYYYY leaving. Getting old is kind of fun....Some things just don't matter as much anymore and you really start to relax I think the worst years are your 20's when your trying to find yourself and your screwing up all over the place. The 20's were difficult. 30's so so I've really enjoyed my 40's. I think I finally get ME. Once you have yourself figured out everything else just sort of falls in place. It's nice. So you have to put up with a few wrinkles, some gray hair and a little extra body fat.....It's a fair trade I think.

The agenda this week .....

Get Jenn's car fixed and running

Clean the house (early early spring clean)

Get Jenn back to school

Put up a work out schedule on the wall and do a menu for the next ten days

That's the plan.......................

JUST CAUSE...............................................................................................HE IS WHO HE IS...............

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