Wednesday, January 7, 2009

At last

I think I've licked the Caffeine addiction. Took four days but, I no longer crave it or feel it's the first thing I need to grab in the am on my way to work. Replacement....good ole H20. I feel a lot better just having done that.

I made it through Cardio Max with out having to quit so that's an achievement in it self for me. May not seem like much but this old overweight 45 year old body doing jumping's a site...Thank god for really good sports bras, that's all I have to say. :/ OY

If I can keep this going I'll be in pretty good shape by my 46 birthday. My goal is to not be at any set weight per say but more to drop a few sizes in clothing. I'd be really happy to be a 10 again so I can dig out my old Calvin's just for shits and giggles.

The only bad thing about dropping sizes is that my feet shrink and Ive recently bought some really cool heals that I'm going to be angry about if they end up being to big.

I'm looking forward to Jenn being home for a few day's before she heads back to school. I love having her home. We may argue but she's the bay and I miss her when she's not around.

I still have my Christmas tree up, She asked me to keep it up until she returns home from NY. We cut it fresh so it's still in pretty good shape. I love Christmas trees, if I could keep a real one up year round I would. Just decorate it for different holidays....

Today was a decent day, Came home early from work due to the snow/sleet storm. Watched some tv on HULU (I love that site) chatted with a few people and now im ending my day here with Sam in the back ground laughing his ass off to the Daily Show. I love his laugh.

On that note I will say Good night with a photograph from my archive.

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