Sunday, February 1, 2009


It's February my least favorite month....It's gray it's gloomy its either cold and snowy or cold and icy.....The only good thing about February is Chels's Birthday....other than that I HATE THIS MONTH.

Nothing much to here are a few random Karen Facts

1> My Uncle nicknamed me Skeet that got turned into Keet.... a myspace friend from Ireland told me that Keet means apparently my uncle has been calling me a male my whole life...

2>I once was lost in the woods with a group of my friends and cousins all day on a very hot summer day. The whole town of Kenn was out looking for us, we made the news and the front page of the community section of the newspaper. It was a great day and we had a blast.

3>When I was ten I almost died on a small sailboat out in the ocean in October with my friend Julia and her step dad..the waves were very high and we had to bail water out of the boat the whole way from cape porpoise to camp Ellis./ He should of never had us out there..I still have nightmares about black water.

4> My first memory is at age five when I found a bumble bee and ran in the house to show my dad and got stung.

5> When I was seventeen, my friend Brenda and I got separated from the group coming down off off one of the mountains in the white mountain range. The weather had turned and when we got to what was a small brook when we arrived, it was now a fast flowing river and we had to swim across to get back to the road. We had to walk a couple miles soaking wet in late Sept early October to get to the van. I had new jean on and she had my new blue hiking buts on, when we got out of our wet clothes she had blue feet and I had blue legs from the dye off the jeans and boots.

6> My friend Kris and I once found a hermit house on a mt. in Canada on a hike with her mom.

8> When i was a teen i once streaked with some friends on a dare by the bush estates in Kennpt.

9> my wedding band is the tree of life my husbands family crest.

10> On a school trip camping at a national park in the white mountain range, I was the only girl to make it to the top of Mt. Washington. I rocked!

Ok enough for today......

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