Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Dealing with the negatives.....

It doesn't take much to get me there, that SUCK WHOLE place I call "Negative Nelly land". For me my biggest weakness are also my biggest strength my kids. When I see things going on in their lives that just make me want to sucker punch anyone who hurts them or make me scream...HELLO DO YOU NOT SEE WHATS GOING ON IN FRONT OF YOUR FACE It can make me go INSANE and it makes me eat cause when you have no control over things you so clearly see or at least believe you tend to Seek out the things you do have control over. My weapon of choice....FOOD

I am a natural observer, I miss very little that goes on around me or those I love and care about. When you grow up watching your back you tend to see things that others overlook or chose not to look at. It's a means of surviving....You learn to get good at it cause if you don't you could end up hurt.

One of my resolutions as part of seeking self happiness is, to surrender to the fact that I have no control over what does or doesn't take place in my kids lives...they are young adults now. Their choices are theirs to make and live with. The goals they reach are there's to celebrate and the heartaches they encounter are theirs to work through. I can support them, be there for them but for my own sanity and theirs I really need to learn to step back and Shut up and not grab for the nearest candy bar and bottle of diet soda...My medication of choice to handle my own feeling about it.

I love my kids more than anything, but if I don't step back and re-look at how I chose to deal with difficulties in my life and theirs, I wont be around much longer to enjoy the very things I love most in my world. My Kids.

That place I call the Suck Whole can find a new residence because it doesn't live here ANYMORE!!!!

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