Tuesday, January 20, 2009

when the body fights you

I can remember a time not so long ago, 3 years ago when I was walking 3-4 miles a day and running 2 miles 4-5 nights a week. When you let the body go it takes forever to get it back to that place. I've been doing the Biggest Loser tapes (for the record, they kick serious ass) and today I started walking again. Every bone in my body hurts....I have muscles in my butt I forgot I had and my legs are KILLING ME. I have to keep remembering that if I can past 2 weeks of doing this on a reg. basis my body will start to get programed to want to move and it will become habit again and easier. 2 Weeks, I just have to stick to the routine for 2 weeks and from there it will just be about the food i put into my body because the exercise will be second nature.

I swear to the higher powers to be that if I get back to where i was 3 years ago I will not let my body get so out of shape again. Will NOT!

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