Monday, January 26, 2009

Visiting the past

Recently I've been in touch with some old friends from high school. It's been really a breath of fresh air to reconnect. You remember why you were friends with certain people and why you weren't with others. Looking back I realize that I had it pretty much right. The people I believed to be good turned out to be good adults and those I felt uneasy about I was right in my judgment. I always worry that I make quick judgments but I really listen to my gut. I try to be nice to everyone but I just stay aware and it's nice to know that I had it right for the most part. And I've made peace with the misjudgments I made.

I found one of my cousins on facebook who I hadn't been in touch with for years, that was exciting. He looks just like his father who passed some time ago. My mom kind of took care of her brother so we saw my uncle a lot. He was a lot of work and took up a lot of our time when he was having his bad times, but I adored him and when I saw the picture of my cousin I was totally taken back that's how much he looks like his dad. I really hope we stay in touch.

As for the living a healthy's been a slow progress but progress all the same. I'm doing a cardio max workout every other day and a power sculpt on the opposite day and taking one day off. Once the warmer weather hits I'll start getting outside more and adding power walking to the kit...that's the plan from this point any way. I've been doing the cardio work out on a reg basis but had to take a few days off because my body was racked. I have sore spots on my body where I didn't know muscles lived....Like in my ASS....OMG between my butt muscles and my thigh muscles I feel like I've been run over by a mac truck. I tried to do the routine yesterday and just couldn't get through it but I rested up enough so I was able to do it today.

Still can't stop's like my brain is saying....your not going to eat junk then bake.....It's bizarre how the mind can fuck with you.

My new issue is that when I exercise my appetite grows....I have to be more aware of what foods I'm choosing to feed my body. And I'm missing the hostess Cup Cake.....I'm trying to come up with one I can make that will cut the calories....I love my cup cake!

Ok now I have to go bake some muffins....SEE..... OH LORD!

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