Tuesday, June 2, 2009

My new chucks, I pretty much love them. The perks of working in a shoe store...Great discounts and lots of new shoes.....You can never have enough shoes in my world. Today's topic.....
Taking stock and looking back to see where you've traveled to get where you are....Sometimes it doesn't make since until you get to the next place to look back....

You ever just take stock or your life…look where you have been and where you are in the moment. I woke up thinking about that this morning. I was thinking, I’m 46 years old and I'm a manager at a shoe store…how the hell does that happen. At first feeling a bit sorry for myself not thinking Ive accomplished that much in 46 years then I sat and said…WAIT…lets break this down….
I grew up in less then perfect situation and came out in one piece. I had an amazing four year in high school at Salmon Falls and was really taken under the wings of some special teachers there. I went to college for 2 years and got to study theater which I loved and took a minor in human services to shut up my mother, in the end that came in handy. All though I dropped out after 2 years. (a large campus not being for me) I did get something out of it. Worked at Kmart for a little over a year met my husband and started a family. Chelsea my first born pretty much saved me. She gave me purpose and motivation. I started an 18 year stint at CPI working in a group home for adults with developmental disabilities. I did direct care for several years before becoming an activities coordinator, which led me to coach a special Olympic team for summer games, a job I loved and did for the next six summers or so. I became a coordinator/assistant manager for multi supportive independent group homes in which time I was responsible for all aspects of a running home and the medical care of the residents living in them. I've gained a certificate in phlebotomy and massage in the state of Maine. I've been a floor manager in a hotel and I've chambermaid in hotels I've even done a stint at dunkin doughnuts which some may say “oh whoopee” but, it does teach you to work with the public and that’s not an easy feet…people are grumpy when they don’t have their coffee….LOL I've managed departments in stores and been a merch manager in a store. And last but not least I raised 2 kids and have supported many others. 've
So looking back at my life in this moment I can say…yeah I work with a team of managers in a shoe store right now. It pays the bills and helps get us to tomorrow but look what I’ve done, where I’ve been and what I’ve accomplished when I’ve wanted to or needed to. I don’t feel as bad as I did when I first woke up thinking…oh Christ I have to go fling shoe boxes today. I think what I’ve learned most looking back is that I’m not above having to scrub a toilet if I have to. My life is about those I love and doing what I need to, to get them through. Work is just something I do for a pay check and sometimes it’s very rewarding and sometimes its just a pay check. I’ve learned a lot from every job I’ve ever had and my life has been pretty interesting. On that note, I need to go get ready to go fling some shoe boxes and smile a lot…You know smiling all the time actually hurts…try it…spend all day today with a smile on your face…your face will be exhausted at the end of the day…lol seriously try it.

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