Wednesday, June 3, 2009

OY Fing VEy

Ok Vent time.....

Because I think very few people know I have this blog that I know ...I'm now going to Vent my ass off right ....

So I have a facebook like millions of other people in this nephew had posted a pole on his site about same sex marriage for or against....

(deep breath).....

Let me back up here a few steps....

I was raised by a pretty open mom and an agnostic dad...We went to sunday school and our mister growing up was fire and brimstone (is that the right phrase?) but my mom was always pretty liberal in her thoughts so we grew up open minded with open hearts. As my mom has gotten older her views have narrowed a bit but whatever....I married into a born again family (minus my father in law) I love my brother in law and his wife to death, they are great people as are the rest of my husbands family However...when it comes to topics like homosexuality or premarital sex ect ect....We stand on very different lines...Thank god my husband is open minded and liberal is all i can say....
Any way moving on.....

When you are in this kind of enviroment you tend to learn to hold your tongue because when someone is so passionate about the way they believe there is no arguing with them.... and its not even the argument as much as they have the right to their views but god forbid if you voice your own because they will just bring out the bible and quote phrases to prove you wrong. My response is always "That book is very old and as with everything else you need to update with the times, yes their are the basics that are fundamental (I guess depending on what your faith is) but times change, Adapt already" But I shut my mouth and let it end with them having the last word so it Will End. I dont need to win a fight about how I feel because they are my feelings and no one can take them from me.

But when you have a public page like FB and you stupidly add these family members you lose your voice all over again because you know the minute you put yourself out there there they are to stomp you down with the dang bible again or feel the need to make a mountain out of a mole hill and why all because

YOU FEEL that every person on this earth has the right to love who they want to love, has the right to live a happy life with another person of their choice in the same way as anyone else and if they feel the need to marry they should be able to do so legally, and every person has the right to experience the love of raising a child should they chose to and are fit too (my good look at how many unfit straight couples out there raising children) ...Gay straight or bi..... A persons sexual orientation should have nothing to do with who can and can not get married....

and all this frustration because I clicked YES under should gay marriages be legalized....

Oh my god Im going to burn in hell.....

Get a life's a stupid pole....on stupid facebook...HELLO!

I just feel bad because it was my nephew whom I love who posted it....I just couldn't let it go....

I find when people fear difference just to be well ignorant to life and the world they live in...people are different for a reason....

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