Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Being Stupid

I have an extreme fear of Doctors and Dentist... I will literally wait until im dying to go to either. I make appointments fully intending on going to them but as the day approaches I find all kinds of excuses not to go.

Well.....here's a lesson for all you females out there......
Make sure you have your yearly paps

I haven't gone to the doctors in four years after my partial hysterectomy having not one but two surgeries that year and being so anemic I was looking at blood transfusions and death from loss of blood.If I never saw another doctor in my life it would be to soon. Stupidly I didn't keep up with my annual physicals.....

After not feeling good enough to scare me I sch my first appointment in four years for a full work up....let me tell you, not an easy thing for me...I tried calling to make the appointment several times and finally had to have my husband call and do it for me....my fear is real and almost crippling.

Things were going well, we talked about my weight and what my plan was, had the Brest exam (can I just say I don't even like my husband messing around with my boobs...NOT FUN) then comes the all most dreaded pap smear....now in reality it takes only a few seconds and other then a little pressure painless and after going through the partial hysterectomy and having everyone and their mother looking at my bits, not a big deal. Its just not how I like to spend the five min. it takes....Then I see her face and I know, oh shit.....

So now I get to worry for a week till the results come back....I now know that I can look forward to a pap every year like clock work (If Im lucky) if not more. I now know that it was Stupid to let my fear of the doctors get in the way of staying healthy and can now only hope that the polyps are benign and Im cancer free.

Girls, get those yearly dreaded test done, just cowgirl up and do it cause sitting here having to worry for the next few days and maybe having to deal with cancer just isnt worth it. Its Stupid, I was stupid.

Nothing like a scare to put things in perspective....
Keeping my fingers crossed.


When im stressed out I always pull out Rob Thomas on my ipod.... His music just calms me....


I love this song....loved it when Cyndi lauper does it and love to hear Rob Thomas sing it.


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