Thursday, June 11, 2009


I have so many sites,blogs,online accounts,work accounts yada yada that I have to keep a list of passwords and to add to the list of INSANE work passwords are changes ever third week....I have a standard word that I tweak for different things and work passwords are always favorite actors with a twist... like one I no longer use was CollinFarrellRocks@1, I know silly but I have the words worst memory so it has to be over the top for me to remember plus I do the dance....Whats the dance you ask....

Every time I leave the house and I have to remember if I did something like....turn off the oven or unplug the curling iron I have to do the dance....I stand there and do the hooky poky move while I sing "I unplugged the curling iron I unplugged the curling iron" ect ect.... If I don't do it, I'll get a half mile down the road and have to turn around to come check to make sure I'm not going to burn the house down....
Having a bad memory in my world can often mean Comic Relief for those around me....

I started a video blog this evening "Fat to Fit" that Ill be posting here as soon as I figure out how to do it...yeah I'm computer stupid too.

On that note I'm off to Twitter....
Have a good one....

If you twitter, check out Ashton Kutchers Twitter page, he has lots of cool links....the guys a YouTube junkie. He's becoming one of my guy, funny guy....

Ok I'll end here....
Video up soon.

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