Thursday, June 18, 2009


Ok Ive facebooked this myspaced this twitterd this now im blogging it in hopes my husband GETS A FREAKING CLUE!!!!!

He's the the smallest person in the house....well Jenn's the smallest but HES A LITTLE GUY and he makes so much Fing noise....gets up is loud shutting the bedroom door, is heavy footed when he walks, knocks pots and pans around, is loud getting his breakfast, freaking talks to himself, is loud using the bathroom and LOUD coming in to say Goodbye! I mean seriously Sam Just because your up in the morning doest mean you get to wake up everyone else in the Fing house....MY GOD! I was up till 2 am chatting with Jenn and friends on line cause I knew I could sleep in this morning one of the few AM's I can sleep in......but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Sammy has to be LOUD!!!!

I cant wait till Saturday morning when he can sleep in, Im turning on lights, im opening the shade and leaving it up so the light comes in, im going to talk to him LOUDLY....his ass is getting up early!

There I vented and feel better but im still FREAKING Tierd!

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