Thursday, July 2, 2009


Got my labs back and all clear minus the bad Cholesterol which I'm now working on....I have found a new love for the Odwalla bar which keeps the craving for the junk food or VENDING monster at work away....

Don't think I'll wait another four years for a physical again, just now worth the stress.

So It's Raining AGAIN in Maine, think its going to be the summer theme. My daughter was telling me how one of her friends looked up the weather on the net and New England is getting this weird wind patten thing that brings in the rain in never ending cycles. Lovely! NOT! However; it is keeping me out of the sun which my dermatologist begged me to do. Someone upstairs looking after us skin cancer people I guess....But COME ON a little sun would it hurt, I mean seriously COME ON!

Haven't worked with my camera in a while think I may take it out on my next day off and see what I can find to shoot.

Saw my nutritionist/trainer the other day and apparently I don't eat enough LOL seriously, that's my problem? Well Christ I can eat more or so I thought....I burn over 3000 cals a day in my job and for my current weight I'm suppose to eat a certain amount of food and I'm averaging 1200 cals a day. Who knew when you cut out the junk the cals would drop *rolling eyes* Do you have any idea how hard it is to eat when you don't like real food. I wear the body bug so I'm always checking where I stand calorie wise and I have yet been able to eat the amount of cals she wants me to eat with out feeling like dying. My list of foods i don't like....most red meats, most veggies, fish, hello that doesn't leave much else..... love chips, M&Ms, hostess cup cakes, I do love yeah that's my current hell. FOOD!

So on that note I am off to put together a dinner that I can tolerate and take to work then look for something for lunch.....OY!

A new fave

Butternut Squash Fries

Cut them into fries
spray or toss in olive oil (just a little)
salt (sea salt)
ground pepper
garlic powder
onion powder


lay on cookie sheet (I use a pizza pan with whole for a crispy fry)
and bake in an oven at 325 until crisp


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