Friday, July 24, 2009

More pics from the old port the other day

Random AM rant

Well, lets see what I can rant about at 6:50am when I didnt go to bed until 2am.....

Yesterday at work some lady chose to poop on the floor in the bathroom then put it everywhere...that was just a fun day for me....first time it's happend at this job so I cleaned it up...I'll always do the nasty job first so the employees that work under me know I don't ask them to do anything I wont do myself. Next time however one of them will indeed be in there helping me. Every freaking job I have someone does this.....WTF FML.

I go to the doctors in an hour so I can prove to her that the body bug isn't a gimmick. Down what did I say 12-15 lbs since I started trying to lose weight...11 with the body bug in three weeks did what it took me to do in a month to lose one fing lb. I'm so much happier. Start with the personal training next week...Need to get a few massages in for practice so when we trade services she's getting my best not my practice.

So like I said I didn't go to bed till late late. I was up talking to my jr high crush Soph. We've become friends again and its been nice. He's probably the only one from home that I really talk to. I left public school in 8th grade and never really saw or talked to my friends after that. I lived in the same town but my life was at Salmon Falls. It's been nice getting to know him again. We were pretty good friends back in the day it would of been interesting to have seen that friendship grow back then. I think we would of stayed friends in high school as well. He lives out in California so we talk late at night due to the time change and its the only time he's freaking on the net....

Sam's band is playing out in a week or so, cant wait to hear them, they just keep getting better. They have a great sound and they mesh as a group. It's been nice to see them become a band.

Going to go see the "Ugly Truth" today.....yeah Gerald Buttler he and Collin Farrel are pretty much my pretend my pretend world....I have one...LOL It's the accent, gets me every time. I was going to hold out and go see it with my daughter but I think where it's raining today I'm going to drag my husband then I'll go see it again with my daughter....yup I think that's the plan... got this video stuck in my head this mornin'. Love Ryan Adams....

I can't believe its raining out again....yup were back to shitty Maine weather day off and it rains. Well at least I got a little tan this summer.

Blueberries....Love them. I have ate so many freaking blueberries this summer I'm surprised I haven't started turning Blue....

Hey I said this was going to be a random post.....

I'm posting some pictures I took the other day.....haven't been real happy with my work lately. Think i need to start wearing my glasses when I go shoot stuff. Oh the joys of getting older.....
I guess that's it for now.....Have a good one everyone who may come across my blog....Hope your getting more sunshine then we are. Freaking Maine Weather!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Breakfast these days
yeah the smoothie looks a bit like puke but ITS GOOD...
strawberries, grapes, raspberries, blueberries, banana, skim milk, 2tbs of frozen yogurt and 2tbs of flax seed
Multi Grain Cheerios
2tbs of flax seed

A healthier happier me, well on my way to being a more fit person.
The Bub and her dad

Me and the Bub after a long walk at 11pm

This is what happens when you go for 4-5 mile walks after working all day at 11PM you just get a bit silly.


So I've been doing this body bug thing now for I think four weeks ...Im down 11lbs from when I started to lose on my own which was a few weeks before I started seeing Catherine. She's pretty I've learned alot in the four weeks,
1> there has to be a blance between the cals going in and the past I would just cut the cals and up the exercise.... well for me, because I burn so many cals in a day just at work when i include my exercise program im not eating enough.... my ratio has been burning on average 3000 - 4000 cals in a day to like 1200 cals. My struggle every day is eating enough...I think a few friends and family think this is a bunch of BS but the 2 weeks I lost the most weight have been the 2 weeks that I have been diligent about eating enough cals....and let me tell you, I didnt think I would ever say this...Its hard to eat the amount of food your surpose to eat in a day. I'm just not hungry at all. I can scoff down a bag of m&ms no probblem but put a full meal in front of me and yuck.....
2>Sleep is key...also hard for me, I'm not a sleeper. Retraining my body to sleep has been a challange. I hate to sleep, it's so damn I guess I could increase my b12, for me that increases my dream state and I have awesome dreams....down side, they are so vivid that I wake up exhausted....any who making my body fall asleep is just not natural for me...Im a night person
3>The hostess cup cake has no nutrional value..... yeah ok I knew that already, but it has flour and eggs in it im sure.....Giving up the cup cake = :( So someone said to me, buy the 100 packs of them and I looked at them and said F that if im going to eat a cupcake its going to be a cupcake not a little crumb.....
4>logging your food everyday really is the best tool when trying to get healthy. You have to know what your putting in your body and yeah I can rant about tons of useless information and random thoughts all day on the net but to sit in log in my food....OY but I'm doing it and it's working.

So yeah.......................................................

Oh I've developed this nice little case of vertigo in the past month.....not sure how it relates to all this but pretty much its there to tell me my body's not reacting to something very well....every time I lay my head down it's kind of like being at the top of the hill on a roller coaster and your about to enter the cork screw....Lots of fun! thank god I don't get motion sickness....Id be puking 24-7

OK that's my rant....I'm suppose to be logging my feeling going through this process so...this is where I am today.

Next week I start some personal training with Catherine in trade for a's works out for me because I need to get some practice time in....

Off to try and take a little snooze before work...Jenn and I did a 4.5 mile walk last night at 11pm. Neither one of us felt very well so that was a stupid move on our parts.....

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Got my labs back and all clear minus the bad Cholesterol which I'm now working on....I have found a new love for the Odwalla bar which keeps the craving for the junk food or VENDING monster at work away....

Don't think I'll wait another four years for a physical again, just now worth the stress.

So It's Raining AGAIN in Maine, think its going to be the summer theme. My daughter was telling me how one of her friends looked up the weather on the net and New England is getting this weird wind patten thing that brings in the rain in never ending cycles. Lovely! NOT! However; it is keeping me out of the sun which my dermatologist begged me to do. Someone upstairs looking after us skin cancer people I guess....But COME ON a little sun would it hurt, I mean seriously COME ON!

Haven't worked with my camera in a while think I may take it out on my next day off and see what I can find to shoot.

Saw my nutritionist/trainer the other day and apparently I don't eat enough LOL seriously, that's my problem? Well Christ I can eat more or so I thought....I burn over 3000 cals a day in my job and for my current weight I'm suppose to eat a certain amount of food and I'm averaging 1200 cals a day. Who knew when you cut out the junk the cals would drop *rolling eyes* Do you have any idea how hard it is to eat when you don't like real food. I wear the body bug so I'm always checking where I stand calorie wise and I have yet been able to eat the amount of cals she wants me to eat with out feeling like dying. My list of foods i don't like....most red meats, most veggies, fish, hello that doesn't leave much else..... love chips, M&Ms, hostess cup cakes, I do love yeah that's my current hell. FOOD!

So on that note I am off to put together a dinner that I can tolerate and take to work then look for something for lunch.....OY!

A new fave

Butternut Squash Fries

Cut them into fries
spray or toss in olive oil (just a little)
salt (sea salt)
ground pepper
garlic powder
onion powder


lay on cookie sheet (I use a pizza pan with whole for a crispy fry)
and bake in an oven at 325 until crisp