Thursday, April 2, 2009

Feeling the need for Spring

I love Snow, I am truly one of those Mainah's who loves everything about this great state. Were kind of manic...We get summer and we can't wait for the heat to be over and the colors of fall. Fall comes and we start thinking snow and getting ready for it, Ice storms I could do with out...I mean I love to photograph the aftermath but I don't think I will ever like losing heat and being cold. Thunder storms of Spring...LOVE IT! The mud, love the smell, Summer, love the beach and the lake and then we start all over again. Today I wanted spring, I wanted it to be sunny enough to grab my camera and take pictures but I got clouds all morning so I went to my tons of logged photos and pulled this one out. However this was taking on a very warm (summer like) October day it just felt like spring to me. So there you have it.

Back to why I started this blog in the first place....Healthy living...

I'm now about what 2 2 1/2 weeks sober from Diet Pepsi. Still have a hard time not stopping at Wendy's to get a large diet on the way to work. Jenn talked me into drinking Clearly Canadian to get my fizz fix, its a bit sweet for me so I just drink a little but it's enough to stop me from picking up a DP. What would I do without that kid in my life. Started adding running to my daily walks and doing my biggest loser KICK MY ASS tapes. I think its safe to say I pretty much have buns of steal right now. Weights coming off slow but I expected that.
I feel a hell of a lot better so that's good.

Looking forward to the will be out last one in this house. No more POOL :( I won't miss this place but I will miss that pool. I call it my pool, no one hardly uses the thing.
Will be living closer to the beach so I'm looking forward to waking up and smelling the ocean. I missed that living here.

On that note...I'm off to bed. Need to get a walk or short jog in, in the am.

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