Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Old times

This is where I went to High School... Recently I've gotten in touch with people from that time. It's been cool finding out where everyone has landed. A lot of talent came out of that place. Writers, directors, producers, actors, artist. I loved my time at Salmon Falls, some of my best memories have come from there.

What I learned there lasted a life time. I learned so much more then book stuff, I learned about life and I'm glad I went when I did. I think if I had started a few years later then I did it would be a different story because the school changed in the end. I learned about caring for people, about how sometimes you just have to put your self aside and step up and do something for someone else because its the right thing to do. I learned to listen. I learned to be in the moment and really take notice of everything around up and appreciate everything that's happening even the not so fun stuff because there are lessons in everything to be had. I learned to appreciate people because tomorrow they may not be there and I learned to have fun there.

It was some of the best times and I treasure my memories from there and make them a part of my day everyday.

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