Friday, February 20, 2009

Every bone and muscle in my body feels like its been tossed around in that surf... Back on the Bob Harper tapes and my body feels like someone came along and WOKE it up. I'm so sore....

Getting old, well it pretty much sucks when you let your body go to hell.....but, This too shall pass. This too shall pass....

The Sooner The Damn Better!

Monday, February 16, 2009

My girls

I love this photo....Most of all I love that it shows Jenns inner spirit that not to many people get to see....She really is a nut behind the quiet exterior. I love this picture. Chelsea my little blond tan baby that she is.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sunset on Valentines Day

Valentines day started with a rose,card and a box of Lint cho.hearts. We spent the day shoping and went out to eat, and ended with a some photos taken in Portland and a great sunset. Today we went to the Portland Museum of Art the had an exhibit called "Back Stage pass" Photos of Musicans from various time periods...Great stuff....a lot of black and white photos (my fav. format) all and all it was a great weekend topped off with a stop at the store for some new videos.
Thank you Sammy Duke!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I just realized something Sam's been telling me for years

Im really good at remembering people...not their names but people. I can recall everything about an event right down to the smells in the air....BUT as me how old I was or what year it was....I have no concept of time.....I can roughly estimate close to the event but I am horrible at recalling dates and time.... I hate that!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Twenty five random facts about Me.

1> I took those photos of Alabama in the Civic Center in Portland Maine Back when I liked Country music and you could take your camera into a concert without getting some big bully in your face telling you to shut it down or get dragged out of the building. The Good Ole Days.

2> I like the smell of wet dog, it brings me comfort.

3> I love all shades of blue. Purple and Yellow is my favorite combination for color.

4> I love having conversations with people under the age of 25. They just have such a better outlook on life and are full of dreams and hopes still.

5> My middle finger on my right hand has a scar on the pad from where it got caught on the seesaw part of an old swing set and tore all the way down my finger when I was about six years old.

6> I have had several life/death situations in my 45 years.

7> My Uncle is also my second cousin once removed. My dads sister married my moms cousin.

8> Some of my favorite quotes are from mother Theresa and Im not a religious person at all but here are a few.

Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.

Everytime you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.

I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish that He didn't trust me so much.

If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.

It is not the magnitude of our actions but the amount of love that is put into them that matters.

9> I have prepared myself for my fathers passing everyday since his first heart attack because I know it will be the saddest and loneliness day of my life.

10> I have over ten pairs of black shoes...I can't have enough black shoes, I love them.

11> I once learned how to play the jews harp because keith Carridine played it in the movie "The long riders"

12> I saw that movie over 45 times in 2 years and read the book twice.

13> I don't have any memories before the age of six except one. me catching a bee...guess why, yeah I got stung.

14> I once had over 20 wasp stings from playing in an old army jeep in my Aunts field. That was not a good day!

15> James Taylor posed for me so I could take pictures while he was in concert at the Civic Center back in the 70's. That was a very good day.

16> Some of my best conversations have taken place in my car past midnight driving around OOB with Jenny.

17> There is no better cupcake then the Hostess Cup Cake.

18> I can forge just about anyone's signature. I'm pretty good at it not that I do it, its just a random fact.

19>I once was a fan of Scott Baio. OY!

20> Colin Farrell, Clive Owen, and Gerald Butler make me very happy.

21> A helicopter in flight is my most favorite sound in the world...I don't know why.

22> One of my favorite movies from Childhood was "The Ghost and Mr. Chicken" with Don Knox

23> The song that played as my class exited the building at graduation was "Teach Your Children" by Crosby,Stills, Nash and Young

24> Kids are the most important people in the world. They are your future.

25> Who I love most in my world....My kids

I should be on my way to work

I'm sitting here wishing I didn't have to go. four days and I get four days off....Four days....get this one done and it's three...

Maybe it's time to start thinking about what comes next.....

Thursday, February 5, 2009


That pretty much sums it up for me today.....I did go to Yaya's and hung out with her baby for about four hours. I love babies....and she's a cutie. Outside of that BLAHHHHHH It's Feburary, and I hate feburary.

Monday, February 2, 2009

sams new song

Sam brought home the bands new cut of one of his songs "Speak my language" its pretty awesome......I LOVE IT....If I wasn't computer STUPID I'd down load it here but as luck would have it I'M COMPUTER STUPID so it's not here....but, im listening to it right now and it's really good....just thought i'd share.
I Think I want these wings on my wrist but done a little different...With the symbol for the arch angel Gabriel below them....just because it's one of my favorite boy names.... or the name Gideon written under them for my great grandfather.

I love trees....

Sunday, February 1, 2009


It's February my least favorite month....It's gray it's gloomy its either cold and snowy or cold and icy.....The only good thing about February is Chels's Birthday....other than that I HATE THIS MONTH.

Nothing much to here are a few random Karen Facts

1> My Uncle nicknamed me Skeet that got turned into Keet.... a myspace friend from Ireland told me that Keet means apparently my uncle has been calling me a male my whole life...

2>I once was lost in the woods with a group of my friends and cousins all day on a very hot summer day. The whole town of Kenn was out looking for us, we made the news and the front page of the community section of the newspaper. It was a great day and we had a blast.

3>When I was ten I almost died on a small sailboat out in the ocean in October with my friend Julia and her step dad..the waves were very high and we had to bail water out of the boat the whole way from cape porpoise to camp Ellis./ He should of never had us out there..I still have nightmares about black water.

4> My first memory is at age five when I found a bumble bee and ran in the house to show my dad and got stung.

5> When I was seventeen, my friend Brenda and I got separated from the group coming down off off one of the mountains in the white mountain range. The weather had turned and when we got to what was a small brook when we arrived, it was now a fast flowing river and we had to swim across to get back to the road. We had to walk a couple miles soaking wet in late Sept early October to get to the van. I had new jean on and she had my new blue hiking buts on, when we got out of our wet clothes she had blue feet and I had blue legs from the dye off the jeans and boots.

6> My friend Kris and I once found a hermit house on a mt. in Canada on a hike with her mom.

8> When i was a teen i once streaked with some friends on a dare by the bush estates in Kennpt.

9> my wedding band is the tree of life my husbands family crest.

10> On a school trip camping at a national park in the white mountain range, I was the only girl to make it to the top of Mt. Washington. I rocked!

Ok enough for today......